Success in Telehealth


In this virtual world, telehealth is a convenient way to access mental health care; however, telehealth is not right for everyone. If you are actively suicidal, virtual mental health care may not be right for you. An in-person therapist or a residential treatment program may be a better fit if you need a higher level of care. If you feel like you cannot keep yourself safe and are having suicidal thoughts, please call 911 or take yourself to the closest emergency room for a psychiatric evaluation.

Clear Your Schedule

Pretend like you are in a therapist's office for the entire hour. Tell your coworkers, roommates, and neighbors you are unavailable or block your calendar for that hour. You’ll want to dedicate the entire time toward focusing on the session. Put your phone on “Do Not Disturb” or turn it off completely. If you live with someone else and your walls are thin, ask them to wear headphones during that session, so you can speak freely without feeling like your privacy is being compromised. Imagine you are in the therapist’s office and direct your entire focus to the therapy appointment (we realize for some that this is easier said than done).

Set Up Your Virtual Therapy Office

If you’re going to be talking a lot, you’ll want a glass of water on hand. Emotions tend to arise during therapy, so make sure tissues are available and a trash can to dispose of them. Keep a notepad to take notes. You’re going to be occupied for an hour, so it’s best to use the restroom before your session to avoid interruptions. Wear whatever clothing makes you comfortable. The more present (not distracted) you are, the more you’ll get out of your session!

Limit Distractions

We know it’s hard but try to avoid inviting your pets to therapy. While they may provide emotional support, you’ll want to stay focused on what is happening in your session. Take the same approach with children, if possible. Ask a co-parent or caregiver to watch your children during your session to help you stay focused. Refrain from eating or consuming alcohol during your session. A good rule of thumb to follow: If you would not do it in a therapist's office, do not do it during your teletherapy appointment.

Ease Into It

Give yourself five minutes before your appointment to settle in and think about what you want to focus on during this session. Prioritize which topics are most important and what you have been working on. It can be helpful to make a written or mental itinerary for how you want to organize the session. When finished, give yourself another 5 minutes to process the session before you transition to your next activity.


Performance Anxiety


Attachment Styles in Relationships